Massage Break: - The Work Place MassageWatson Wyatt Canadian Staying @ Work Survey• the average direct cost of absenteeism is $3550 per employee per year Aventis Healthcare Survey 2002 • 51% of Canadian employees experience a great deal of stress at work American Institute Of Stress • 75% to 90% of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress-related In Australia. • companies in Australia now have full time massage staff Research has shown that business and companies that have Work Place Massage enjoy the following benefits: reduced staff turn over I am available to conduct massage at the following locations: • seminars: people sit for hours getting tension in their back, neck and shoulders A workplace massage session runs for 10 - 15 minute covering the head, shoulders, back, arms and hands. There must be a minimum of three people booked into a session. Payment can be made via the following methods:• employer pays and claims it on tax Where else can you sitting down for better health. |