Weight Loss CoachingWeight loss Coaching is here to aid you to become more empowered, not just with your weight loss but also with your general health and well-being. The weight loss industry has created a false understanding about weight loss, if you lose weight you will have more energy, zest and become more healthier. They tell you this to sell a product, The truth is, being healthier, not dieting, will give you all that, and in most cases it will also promote weight loss. More often than not, after a weight loss diet is finished the weight lost will be put right back on, why? Because dieters start with the wrong goal in mind. Those who choose to have the goal of a healthier life will generally keep the weight off. Deciding to be healthier is a lifestyle change, and not just a diet which is a temporary situation, and once the diet is finished old habits can resumed. A healthy lifestyle starts in the mind and flows into the body. Research has shown that 15% of the population due to medical conditions will have trouble losing weight. I know from my own personal experience when I focused on losing weight I did so, yet when I reached my target, the motivation for eating right and exercising disappeared. Once I shifted my thinking from weight loss to a healthier life my motivation returned and I continued to improve, and lost an additional 4 kg. Limiting decisions and negative beliefs around food, self image, self worth can greatly affect your health and weight. On top of that the conscious & unconscious conditioning by media to demean us because we don't look a certain way will reinforce these negative beliefs and limiting decisions. A lot of the time we are not even aware of these limiting decisions and negative beliefs for they are in our subconscious minds.
How can you learn about these limiting decisions and negative beliefs? Make an Appointment and learn now where these come from how they sabotage your life, not just in your health but every area of your life. Best of all learning how to remove them and empower your life NOW Now that you know that being overweight is a direct result of being unhealthy in lifestyle and thought you can empower yourself with weight loss & health coaching and shift your mind in order to shift your lifestyle which will then shift your weight. NLP, hypnosis, Chinese medicine principles, energetic healing techniques such as touch for health are the tools I use in my coaching sessions to move you to a place where you would like to be health wise. So what is stopping you obtaining the health you need and want for an active and happy lifestyle..... |